We already knew that Bush Administration did it bad. Really bad. We knew it already. But what we haven’t been able to see until the Republicans left the White House is how close they were to screw it up completely sometimes.
Now and then the press shows details of the incompetence of Bush’s team. Especially in the case of Donald Rumsfeld. A few months ago we knew Rummy was really close to blow up the mission in Afghanistan -and jeopardize American soldiers’ lifes there. Later, we learnt that he identified the occupation in Iraq as a Christian crusade, quotating the Bible to justify his decisions.
Today, Time magazine reports how the United States refused to capture alive Saad bin Laden, fourth son of Osama.
Saad was reportedly killed last week in Pakistan-Afghanistan border in a drone attack, according to the CIA. However, since 2003 he had been under house arrest in Iran. The Mullahs offered to handover Osama’s son, alive, to the Americans as soon as they knew who he was.
In exchange, Tehran wanted some of the heads of the terrorist group MEK, refugees in a camp near to Baghdad in Iraq. They are, by the way, the same ones that this week were ousted with violence by Iraqi security forces. They probably will face the expulsion from the country, but not to Iran.
Iran made the offer to Washington several times from 2003 to 2008, but the Americans refused it. Five years later, in late 2008 and after losing his value as bluechip prisoner, Saad and several other al-Qaeda commanders were released in the Pakistan border. A few months later, a drone operative who killed several civilians was needed to eliminate Saad.
Great move, Mr. Bush.
Photo: Family Guy/Fox
Related: When Obama met Osama
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
When Bush didn’t want to meet Osama’s son

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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