Finally. Captain Richard Phillips, kidnapped by Somali pirates since Wednesday in the Indic Ocean waters, was freed yesterday by the US Navy SEALS.
Details from the operation are coming out quietly. We know for sure that Obama approved at least twice similar operations to liberate Phillips –for those angry Republicans accusing him of not doing anything. In fact, last Friday the Navy tried to reach the lifeboat of the pirates, but they were repeled with fire.
At the end, Navy snipers took their chance when one of the pirates was onboard the USS Bainbridge negotiating the fate of Captain Phillips. They shot down the other three in an intense but short sniper fire. 3 bullets, 3 dead pirates. The remaining pirate waits in the American ship to know what Hill be his future, but he faces a life in prison in the US. Captain Phillips is free, alive and healthy.
But 24 hours alter the rescue operation we still don’t know for sure how it was. Apparently it all started when Phillips was pointed by one of the pirates with his AK-47 and the USS Bainbridge captain ordered to neutralize them. But it is unclear if Phillips jumped into the water when the shoot-out started or if it was before -and then the SEAL’s snipers started to make their job.
Anyway, the point is that at least Captain Phillips is alive. And now he become a new nacional hero (sorry Sully, your time is over)
It is not the first time pirates are taken down by firearms, but it is the first time the Americans are involved. This incident will mark an inflexion point and probably, from now on, we will be immersed in new maritime guerrilla warfare. For now on, pirates have promised retaliation.
Photo: AP Photo/US Navy
Update: Well, they promised retaliation... Indeed. Just this morning, an American Congressman took off in Mogadishu under mortar fire.
Monday, April 13, 2009
US Navy 1 - Pirates 0 (Updated)

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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