Spot the seven mistakes in this photo:
Well, actually they are less than seven, but the most important is on Obama. On his pecs, to be precise. As the own Washingtonian magazine admits, the graphic team played with Photoshop over the Presidential musculature.
If we compare the photo with the original, taken by Bauer-Griffin, the Washingtonian kids changed the color of the pants, his skin tone and the volume of his pecs.
This isn’t, however, strange to politicians. They use Photoshop in every campaign they do. But some magazines also use it on them and that’s seen with less permissivity. It is highly remembered the scandal in France after Paris-Match Nip-Tucked the presidential body of Nicolas Sarkozy to make him slimmer.
The one who didn’t have to make use of Photoshop (or at least is unknown if he did) was Vladimir Putin. It’s a pity the photos look like just out of a Russian bride/groom-by-mail catalogue.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Presidential Nip-Tucking

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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