Piracy is often news in Somalia. Or in the Philippines. But rarely happens in the North Atlantic. Not to mention in Europe. That’s why the disappearing of the Arctic Sea, a Maltese freighter with Russian crew, went to the frontpage of newspapers all around the globe.
The official story tells us that the Arctic Sea was transporting a timber cargo worth a couple of million dollars. As the ship was full of crazy Ivans (aka Russians), Putin sent two submarines and several vessels after her. But, why seize a freighter in Europe loaded with wood when it was supposed to go through the Suez channel? And why send two nuclear subs after her to find it?
There had to be something more, and rumours are widespreading as you read this article. The biggest one right now says that the freighter was loaded with Russian anti-aircraft missiles for Iran or Syria. Maybe even the new S-300 model. Other rumours say that the Mossad was involved in the seizure.
Quickly enough Russian authorities have denied it. They are undergoing an investigation to clarify who was behind the incident. But a Russian journalist that suggested some guys to look at has already, according to his own testimony, been contacted to recommend him to leave Moscow.
It is, anyway, strange that a ship possibly loaded with even the anti-aircraft missile most wanted by America and most protected by the Russians went missing.
If in the end it is true that was full loaded with weapons for Iran, this is the second time the Persians see how a packet for them goes missing in less than a month.
UPDATE: Netanyahu's secret visit to Putin. Related to this?
Photo: STR/Reuters
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The mystery of the "Arctic Sea" (Updated)

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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