Neocons and republicans are out of office. But still are writing headlines. Last one was Mr. Leon Panetta, ex-director of the CIA under Bush Administration. Mr. Panetta has made a top ten list with the new coming risks for National Security. Apparently he is insisting in continuing the fear policy. Subversive elements change, the terror itself doesn’t. It is surprising the inclusion of Mexico in second place (Did they took seriously the identification Israel-Gaza versus USA-Mexico? Didn’t Jon Stewart persuade them about the unlikely of that to happen? Not to talk about a possible menace from Canada...) It’s surprising as well not to see Iraq in that list. Al Qaeda, on the other hand, is still the mega-hit of this top ten.
Another who doesn’t surprise anyone being on the list is Iran. And as if Mr. Ahmadinjad wanted to make right Mr. Panetta, the Persians just launched successfully their Omid (Hope) satellite. With their own rockets, infrastructure and space program. The timing couldn’t be better: just in the 30th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.
The problem is that the technology used to put in orbit satellites can be used as well for an ICBM programme. And the timing for this as well couldn’t be better too: just one day before senior officials from China, Russia, France, UK, US and Germany will meet in Frankfurt to discuss over the Iranian nuclear programme.
It’s still uncertain how this will affect the renewed relations between Iran and the US. If the love mail between Mr. Obama and Mr. Ahmadinejad Hill shuts down just before Valentine’s day it would be a step backwards.
That isn’t, however, the biggest problem for the new American administration. With an uncertain economic climate at the door and asking the banks to keep the ground, this week we know that Bush belicist adventures are not only expensive, but also, the Money is being wasted both in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It’s not unusual to meet that conclusion after having a look to the shopping list of troops abroad. It includes an Ultimate Fighting group, some celebrities (in the past some others already did it or tried to do it) or a group of NFL cheerleaders. I have to say that I also want the later. Although there were some that already cheered up enough during the Super Bowl Final.
Photo via Sports Illustrated.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Renewing the axis of evil

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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