We knew yesterday of a collision between two nuclear-armed submarines in the North Atlantic Ocean.
The British HMS Vanguard and the French Le Triomphant collided at the beginning of this month while on rutinary patrol. The London Daily Telegraph reports that both vessels may have been "severely damaged" by the collision, but there was no casualties or danger of nuclear escapes.
However, this could have been a “national disaster” for both countries. Both Le Triomphant and HMS Vanguard are core part of the nuclear deterrent of each country (UK, France) and the 25% of the vanguard of the submarine nuclear capabilities frontline of them. To measure the potential damage we just have to go back to the Palomares incident, to get a sense of how serious it could have been.
According to both French and British sources, Le Triomphant was blinded, as its sonar dome on the front of the vessel wasn’t operative after the result of the impact of, possibly, a missed cargo container while submerging.
But why the British sub couldn’t detect the French one? Allegedly, the anti-detection systems on both subs worked so well that none of them detected the other until the French knocked at the door of the British.
My guess... I told you so! (Third paragraph)
First satellites. Now, subs. What's next?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Out of the way! Incoming!

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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