Finally it's here. Mr. Obama already is the 44th president of the United States of America. After a long weekend of old style party -and I'm talking about really old style, like Royal Coronations. With big attractions and many people, all over the World. And full of symbolism. Even unwontedly. What best metaphor of the ending of Bush Administration rather than the image of Cheney in a wheelchair? It's said that he hurt himself while handling some books during the moving out. It's unknown if he was going to throw them into the fire.
Mr. Obama's inaugural speech has been much commented. I agree with George Packer, it's not a wonderful speech. Well, it is. It is an historical speech. But only because of the context, not by the speech itself. And by the context I don't mind that Mr. Obama missed some words during the oath and had to repeat it the day after -even if it was unnecessary, but just in case.
From his speech, I'd take a few points. First, his effort to union instead of hate. As well his bet for new technologies -the new White House website is a declaration of new intentions, including a place for Human Rights. Or his implication against global warming, enhancing the research on green energy. And of course, his effort to break ties with previous Administration.
But overall, there are three sentences that are key aspects. First is “For the world has changed, and we must change with it”. After a campaign based around the idea of change, it would have been weird not saying this. Second is “We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals”. This is a truly kick in the ass to the policy of Bush Administration.
But I have to stick with another one that has been much more unappreciated, but it is much more revolutionary: “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers”. That last part of the sentence, that mention to the “nonbelievers” is something never seen in a country that finishes all the speeches with a “God bless America and bless you all”.
Ok, but now, what?
For now, the new administration is working full throttle. Indeed, they have been doing so since the election of Mr. Obama as new President. However, the first hours of Mr. Obama as President -and even before- have already created deception in some. The first ones, the left wing. It was logical. When you focus on yourself so many and so high expectative, you now you are going to deceive people. Mr. Obama knows it. And Europe is going to know it really soon. As soon as he starts to demand more troops for Afghanistan.
But there is place too for hope. For now, in his first day at office, Mr. Obama signed the close down of Guantanamo in a year time, the force to use the Army interrogatory rules -more restricted- and the closure of CIA's secret prisons around the world.
In international affairs, both the new Secretary of State, Ms. Hillary Clinton, and Mr. Obama, agree on the importance of the Middle East in their agenda. Just to start, the new American government has called to open the Egyptian border of Gaza to ease the entrance of humanitarian aid -the final figures increases to 1,284 deaths, including 894 civilians. Hamas says that, even though, there is no change at all: same way of thinking as Bush. China probably disagrees. There they went from the gentle -even concessive- approach of Bush to the aggressive attack -a punch where hurts the most, the economy- of Mr. Obama.
And all this in less than two days. Who said that there won't be fun in the White House when Bush and his Bushisms leave?
Image is from Jae C. Hong, Associated Press. The comic strip is from Steve Bell.
Friday, January 23, 2009
New kid in the block

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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