I ended my last post with the excessive spending of the CEO’s of the Big Three. But as a friend pointed to me later, I could have followed quotating cases. There are lots of executives spending millions of dollars while their employers are losing their jobs amazingnly fast. One of the most famous cases was when a few AIG executives spent $440.000 in a spa just after receive a bailout of $85 billions from the American Government. Sorry, the American taxpayers.
In a spa, yes! Just to relax themselves. Maybe shortly that will be the only option they’ll have. If -as I said a week before- they are cutting the spending on their lovers, is to expect less generosity from them in the bedroom. And at the lap dance clubs, is not gonna be easier. In UK, Gordon Brown’s laborist Government plans to change the law for those kind of locals, increasing the requirements for them. From the inside, their owners say they aren’t offering sex, just “dancing”.
The law, however, is only an amend that, according to various sources, doesn’t solve the problem. And it leaves nobody happy. Like with another sex law in preparation that seeks criminalize the people hiring prostitutes that are being exploited by others, equaling having sex with them with a rape, and banning pimping.
Sounds good. But in an insight look, is not so good. According to The Economist, the law leaves a lot of empty legal spaces that are even more dangerous. The prostitutes themselves argue that the only clients that won’t go anymore are the gentle clients, while the aggressive ones will continue even harder.
The ideal situation would be -again according to The Economist- a complete banning of prostitution (like in Sweden) or an open permission (like in the Netherlands, where some politicians went to test the system). If not, there is the risk of falling on the same mistakes as Hong Kong.
Without leaving the bedroom, last week I found on the Internet something really funny. It’s not enough with fruit flavored condoms, here comes the beer flavored condom! My question is: will it be available for different brands? Because it’s not the same a Budweisser, a Guinness or a Heineken. Anyway, a great way to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the ending of the Dry Law with your partner.
But there are some things that never change. Like Chicago being the centre of corruption. Yesterday it was the Mafia; today are politics (Seriously, they are not the same). Not good for Obama, as it is the state he came from and there is already something that could get him down.
And about some other things, we discover -some of us already suspected it- that have been used longer than some thought. We knew the hassasins used hashish, but we didn’t know the Chinese smoked marijuana. Some other drugs only change the way they come. And finally, in Afghanistan maybe will be more profitable from now on to harvest the pomegranate rather than the opium. Well, not really.
At least, rock’n’roll is still legal. Except in China.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sex, drugs and Rock'n'roll

Are you afraid? Well, this works in that way. First you do what scares you and it's later when you get the courage
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