Christmas is round the corner. You can tell it for the millions of commercials on TV about peace, love and family getting together. It's funny that while some are trying to reunite between ourselves, others look after the differences. Ok, I’m first on the line to be proud of each one own heritage, but it ends being sick when you bring it to the extreme.
USA has been critizised many times in the past few years for their despair of anything not WASP. But it seems that’s about to change with Mr. Obama. The Government of the new kid in the block (sorry, in the Office) will include minorities from almost everywhere: gays, women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians...)
Meanwhile in Europe, the Old Europe proud of having left behind racism in spite of integration, the situation is slightly different. From the reborn of the Nazism in Germany to the difficult adaptation of the Arabs to the European cities -and thedoubts that awakes-, giving birth to the Euroarabism. All this without forgetting the already known antisemitism, that is more and more mĆ”s extended worldwide -specially in the Muslim countries- and growths at a worrying fast rate. But is true as well that the Jews are capable enough by themselves of generate that hate. It’s need only a few Israeli extremists -helped by the sinking of the Israeli Laborism- to give enough reasons to the World for being worry about them. And in between all this, almost in the border with human stupidity -if not plenty inside it- the Jewish Nazis.

Irony about this comes from the fact that they are immigrants who benefit from the Law of Return in Israel. Usually it’s the opposite: the natural from the country is the one who hates the outsider. And normally, those outsiders are the first ones suffering from the economic breakdown. They are just a temporal solution, and once have being used and are any more useful, they are sent back. Like a jacket that you bought but you realize you don’t like once at home.
However, only a few reckons that immigration is need. In both sides of the Atlantic ocean, but even more in countries with a low birth rate, like in USA or Europe. Without the African immigration, the fields of Spain and Italy would be in lack of workers. And even in the North, in countries like Ireland people is wondering what will do the Polish outsiders now in Hibernia. They are many, and they can boost the Irish economy -now in recession- or sink it. On the ground, the Polish are measuring their own options. Some are willing to stay, others are leaving and back at home are being encouraged to keep claiming benefits to the countries where they emigrated... by the Polish Government!
But, an addition of different issues -financial crisis, World warming, ageing of the population- can make this migration flow reverse in the next century. In my opinion, this could be an oxygen boost for many countries, too xenophobic for a Global World -that in fact, at least for now, it’s only global for a few ones and in only one direction.
I always though that racism and xenophobia disappear when you travel. Or even better, when you live abroad for a while. I’m not talking of those one month holidays of many executives or their kids’ holidays in a foreign country to learn the language. Not. I’m talking of the experience of having to speak everyday in another language, deal with another culture, another system to measure your drinks or your meal (not everywhere people use liters and kilograms), and survive to that and solve your problems by your own in those conditions. Of course is not something easy to accept. Ask the American lawyers that are being sent to Shangai, Dubai or Bombay. Or bye bye.
Some other countries like Spain could be seriously threatened in the next century by the challenges of the global warming, and that force their inhabitants to emigrate. Greenpeace has made some aggressive campaigns about that in the past. Even the UN has been warning the unbelievers about the dangers hidden round the corner. It won’t do any good if they are still believing more their cousins opinions than the scientific proofs -after all, they are the same ones that say those lies about evolution. It won’t help either that they will continue being paid by oil business like Exxon Mobile.

Who cares? If we need, we’ll ask for help to the Third World countries -if there is something to take from them by then. By any means, we’ll get it. The West is proud of being the world protector, but abandones at their own risk those places without anything profitable to steal.
Later, they will wonder why the fishmen whom we stole their fishes will become pirates. Or why they would like to expell our companies from their land, the same one that we drill. Or why the people we went to liberate from the oppression of a tyranny throw at us now their shoes and call us dogs.
After all we did for them...

USA has been critizised many times in the past few years for their despair of anything not WASP. But it seems that’s about to change with Mr. Obama. The Government of the new kid in the block (sorry, in the Office) will include minorities from almost everywhere: gays, women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians...)
Meanwhile in Europe, the Old Europe proud of having left behind racism in spite of integration, the situation is slightly different. From the reborn of the Nazism in Germany to the difficult adaptation of the Arabs to the European cities -and thedoubts that awakes-, giving birth to the Euroarabism. All this without forgetting the already known antisemitism, that is more and more mĆ”s extended worldwide -specially in the Muslim countries- and growths at a worrying fast rate. But is true as well that the Jews are capable enough by themselves of generate that hate. It’s need only a few Israeli extremists -helped by the sinking of the Israeli Laborism- to give enough reasons to the World for being worry about them. And in between all this, almost in the border with human stupidity -if not plenty inside it- the Jewish Nazis.
Irony about this comes from the fact that they are immigrants who benefit from the Law of Return in Israel. Usually it’s the opposite: the natural from the country is the one who hates the outsider. And normally, those outsiders are the first ones suffering from the economic breakdown. They are just a temporal solution, and once have being used and are any more useful, they are sent back. Like a jacket that you bought but you realize you don’t like once at home.
However, only a few reckons that immigration is need. In both sides of the Atlantic ocean, but even more in countries with a low birth rate, like in USA or Europe. Without the African immigration, the fields of Spain and Italy would be in lack of workers. And even in the North, in countries like Ireland people is wondering what will do the Polish outsiders now in Hibernia. They are many, and they can boost the Irish economy -now in recession- or sink it. On the ground, the Polish are measuring their own options. Some are willing to stay, others are leaving and back at home are being encouraged to keep claiming benefits to the countries where they emigrated... by the Polish Government!
But, an addition of different issues -financial crisis, World warming, ageing of the population- can make this migration flow reverse in the next century. In my opinion, this could be an oxygen boost for many countries, too xenophobic for a Global World -that in fact, at least for now, it’s only global for a few ones and in only one direction.
I always though that racism and xenophobia disappear when you travel. Or even better, when you live abroad for a while. I’m not talking of those one month holidays of many executives or their kids’ holidays in a foreign country to learn the language. Not. I’m talking of the experience of having to speak everyday in another language, deal with another culture, another system to measure your drinks or your meal (not everywhere people use liters and kilograms), and survive to that and solve your problems by your own in those conditions. Of course is not something easy to accept. Ask the American lawyers that are being sent to Shangai, Dubai or Bombay. Or bye bye.
Some other countries like Spain could be seriously threatened in the next century by the challenges of the global warming, and that force their inhabitants to emigrate. Greenpeace has made some aggressive campaigns about that in the past. Even the UN has been warning the unbelievers about the dangers hidden round the corner. It won’t do any good if they are still believing more their cousins opinions than the scientific proofs -after all, they are the same ones that say those lies about evolution. It won’t help either that they will continue being paid by oil business like Exxon Mobile.
Who cares? If we need, we’ll ask for help to the Third World countries -if there is something to take from them by then. By any means, we’ll get it. The West is proud of being the world protector, but abandones at their own risk those places without anything profitable to steal.
Later, they will wonder why the fishmen whom we stole their fishes will become pirates. Or why they would like to expell our companies from their land, the same one that we drill. Or why the people we went to liberate from the oppression of a tyranny throw at us now their shoes and call us dogs.
After all we did for them...